Timothy Jung, Molly de la Vega, and João Medeiros Secured for the Firm’s Client ISD 912 a Favorable Result in a Decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court
Timothy Jung, Molly de la Vega, and João Medeiros secured for the firm’s client a favorable result in a decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court, published April 28th. In Leuthard v. Independent School District 912 – Milaca, the Minnesota Supreme Court reversed the WCCA and reinstated the compensation judge’s Findings and Order denying certain treatment as outside applicable treatment parameters and not reasonable and necessary. This decision preserves the value of Minnesota’s workers’ compensation treatment parameters made effective in 1995. It also supports the key role of the fact finder and reaffirms the long-recognized limited review of the Worker’s Compensation Court of Appeals regarding questions of fact.
A copy of the decision can be found at the Supreme Court website: OPA200893-042821.pdf (mncourts.gov)