February 9, 2022

We’ve previously reported on a causation presumption applicable to COVID-19 and Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Law that was enacted in April of 2020.  The law contained a “sunset date” and ended at 11:59 PM on December 31, 2021.  By action of the legislature and Governor, the presumption has now returned.  Minn. Stat. 176.011 subd 15(f) has been revived and reenacted.

On February 4, 2022, Governor Walz signed into law H.F. 1203 which extends workers’ compensation benefits to certain frontline workers who contract COVID-19, by way of a rebuttable presumption.  The action reinstates the previous presumption applicable only to the listed occupations, and covers dates of injury beginning on the date of enactment through January 13, 2023.

Employees with dates of injury occurring from January 1, 2022, until the law was revived and went into effect are not entitled to the presumption.

If you have questions regarding COVID cases and workers’ compensation, whether within or outside the reach of the presumption, please contact us.  We are happy to assist you.

Timothy P. Jung – timothy.jung@lindjensen.com
Mark A. Fredrickson – mark.fredrickson@lindjensen.com
Katie H. Storms – katie.storms@lindjensen.com
Molly H. de la Vega – molly.delavega@lindjensen.com