Mark Fredrickson Testified at Minnesota Supreme Court Regarding Proposed Changes To MN Rule of Evidence 702
Partner Mark Fredrickson testified on behalf of MDLA, DRI The Voice of the Defense Bar, the FDCC and other national civil defense lawyer organizations in support of a proposed change in Minnesota Rule of Evidence 702 at a hearing held by the Minnesota Supreme Court regarding the Supreme Court Rules of Evidence Advisory Committee’s proposed amendments to the Minnesota Rules of Evidence. Fredrickson argued that while the Committee’s proposed rule adopting the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws version of 702 was preferable to the current MRE 702, fully adopting Federal Rule 702 would result in better, more uniform rule of law. The Federal rule is, of course, used by all Federal Courts and about 2/3rds of the states. A copy of the defense organizations’ joint submission to the S. Ct. and a comparison between the three rules is attached. The Supreme Court will issue an order in response to the Advisory Committee’s recommendations in the near future. Please feel free to contact Mark at (612) 746-0106 or Mark.fredrickson@lindjensen.com with any questions.
DC-#660584-v1-Comparison_of_Potential_Minnesota_Expert_Testimony_Standar… DC-#660705-v1-2018_Defense_Bar_Comment_supporting_Minnesota_adoption_of_Daubert_PDF