Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Update – April 1, 2020
Last night, on April 1, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a temporary rule that provides further detail about how to interpret the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). As you know, the FFCRA became effective yesterday.
An introduction and overview of the temporary rule, along with links to other helpful resources and information from the DOL can be found here:
The DOL’s press release relating to the new temporary rule can be found here:
The temporary rule itself runs over 100 pages, and the official published version is scheduled for release on April 6. In the meantime, an unpublished PDF version of the temporary rule can be found here:
We expect that this new temporary rule will help to answer many of the questions that are arising about the FFCRA in practice. Given its length, and given the different fact-specific issues that are arising depending on your organization’s operations, you should review the temporary rule to see how it might affect the decisions your organization is making and how you might be affected by the FFCRA.
We are continuing to monitor developments and provide guidance and directions regarding the FFCRA and other related employment issues and challenges to the COVID-19/coronavirus situation.
If you have specific questions, please contact any of these lawyers at the Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson firm:
Bill Davidson – Bill.Davidson@lindjensen.com
(612) 746-0147
Susan Stokes – Susan.Stokes@lindjensen.com
(612) 746-0104
Pat Larkin – Pat.Larkin@lindjensen.com
(612) 746-0154
Ryan Myers – Ryan.Myers@lindjensen.com
(612) 746-0157
Molly de la Vega – Molly.delaVega@lindjensen.com
(612) 746-0174