Brandon Meshbesher Testified Before the Minnesota Senate Civil Law Committee
On March 3, 2022 Brandon Meshbesher testified before the Minnesota Senate Civil Law Committee in support of S.F. No. 3066—a bill that would repeal a Minnesota statute commonly referred to as the “seat belt gag rule.” John Hausladen, President of the Minnesota Trucking Association, also testified in support of the bill. The seat belt gag rule prohibits the admission into evidence of the use, or failure to use, seat belts in motor vehicle accident cases involving personal injuries or property damage. Meshbesher testified the seat belt gag rule has outlived its original justifications and its continued existence harms litigants, undermines the truth seeking function of civil trials, and prevents Minnesota juries from hearing relevant evidence and making informed decisions. The bill received enough votes in the Civil Law Committee and will next be considered by the Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee.